Practicing at-
Dr Imityaz Ahmad Khan Clinic , Azamgarh
Practicing at-
Dr Saurabh Gupta Clinic , Siddharth Nagar
Practicing at-
Jeevan Rekha Hospital Khalilabad , Sant Kabir Nagar
Practicing at-
Diabetes Research and Education Center , Gorakhpur
Practicing at-
Chiranjeevi Health Care , Padrauna
Practicing at-
Maa Yashoda Multispeciality Hospital , Kushinagar
Practicing at-
Motion Dard Niwarak Kendra Kushinagar , Kushinagar
A general physician is a general practitioner who is specialized in diagnosing, evaluating, and treating a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A physician, medical practitioner, or medical doctor, is a professional who practices in the medicine department. A general physician provides primary consultation at the initial stage of many diseases. A general physician is also called a primary care doctor. There are wide ranges of medical conditions that are treated by cardiologists including, fever, diarrhea, cold, cough, vomiting, high blood pressure, flu shot, general consultation, cardiovascular screening, and pre-surgery checkup, etc. Patients can consult online with a general physician for non-emergency respiratory system problems, neurology problems, nutrition-related concern, endocrine, and gastrology problems, and for follow-ups cases.
When to consult online with a general physician -
• If a patient has a fever, cough from several days, jaundice, pain in the body, severe dehydration, and for general consultation.
• For the second opinion of disease.
• To show diagnostic reports to clarify about health.
• For old age health-related problems.
• To confirm that received physician treatment by your doctor is the best one.