
Phone Consultation with Cardiologist

Available Top Cardiologist Doctors for you-

Common cardiology Problems-

Coronary Heart Disease, Pain or discomfort in chest, Abnormal Heart Rhythms, High Blood Pressure, Profuse Sweating, Nausea and Vomiting, Fast Heartbeat and Breathing, High levels of fatigue, Blue tint to the skin, Inherited heart conditions, Arrhythmia, Other diseases

Phone Consultation with Cardiologist

Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the heart related problems and the circulatory system. A doctor who has specialized in this field of cardiology is called a cardiologist. Cardiologists treat diseases that affect the human heart. There are wide ranges of medical conditions that are treated by cardiologists including high blood pressure, hypertension, chest pain, heart failure, arrhythmias, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, management of blood thinners, congenital heart defects, cardiac arrest, stroke, and more. Patients can consult online with a cardiologist for non-emergency heart problems, cardiologist advice, for the second opinion of a cardiologist, and for follow-ups cases.

When to consult online with a cardiologist for heart-related diseases or cardiology problems-

• If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the chest, abnormal heart rhythms,  high blood pressure, arms pain, dizzy sensations, fast heartbeat and breathing, high levels of fatigue, a blue tint to the skin, cholesterol problem, etc; then instantly consult a cardiologist .

• After heart surgery, if you feel discomfort then you can consult online with the cardiologist.

• To confirm that received cardiology treatment by your doctor is the best one

• To show your diagnostic reports to clarify about your heart health.  

• You can consult cardiologist online to explore other treatment options prior to heart surgery or procedure.

Phone Consultation

Online consult, e-consultation, or phone consultation is a digital media facility called telemedicine; it does connect patients with the right specialist doctor to consult virtually and get e-prescription. Online Consult is user friendly, time saving and money saving. To consult a doctor online, the patient will have to write his or her problem, complaint, and symptom of disease after that doctor will provide consultation and give e-prescription. The patient can upload lab test report and diagnostic to see the doctor. Online consultation is very useful and convenient for treating non-emergency conditions. Online consult is also useful to find the best doctors to get second opinion for health problems. At DoctoriDuniya we ensure that patients will consult online only with verified doctors.