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Profile of Dr. Kapil Goel
Dr. Kapil Goel is a renowned psychiatrist in Gorakhpur. He has done MBBS, MD and has high quality knowledge in psychiatry. He has been practicing at Sujeta Neuro Clinic located at Alhadadpur Chowk, Raiganj, Gorakhpur. He treats patients with chronic and major conditions such as depression, anxiety, dementia, bipolar disorder, lack of attention, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, autism, post traumatic stress, grief, psychosis, etc. You can book an online appointment with Dr. Kapil Goel, the top psychiatrist in Gorakhpur at Doctoriduniya.com.
Services of Dr. Kapil Goel
Adult Psychiatrist Counselling
Anger Management Treatment
Anxiety Disorder Treatment
Anxiety Treatment
Counseling Castration Therapy
Dementia Treatment
Grief Treatment
Hypnotherapy Treatment
Loss of Interest Treatment
Low Confidence Counseling
Mental health Treatment
Psychiatrist Counselling
Psychosis Treatment
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