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Profile of Dr. Meena Dhar Diwedi
Dr. Meena Dhar Diwedi, MBBS, MS is a renowned Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Gorakhpur. She has been practicing at Satya Nursing Home located at Buddh Vihar, Buddh Vihar Part A, Indira Nagar, Gorakhpur. She is specialized in treating diseases and conditions like pregnancy, missed period, heavy period, breast pain, polycystic ovary syndrome, urination problem, delayed period, ovarian cyst, cesarean delivery, c section, gynae surgery, etc. You can book an online appointment with Dr. Meena Dhar Diwedi, top Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Gorakhpur at Doctoriduniya.com.
Services of Dr. Meena Dhar Diwedi
Amenorrhoea Treatment
Child Birth Education Program
Normal Delivery Service
Normal Vaginal Delivery
Uterine Prolapse Treatment
Vaginal Infection Treatment
Vaginal Prolapse Treatment
Women Disease Treatment
Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgery
Abortion Procedure
Breast Abscess Surgery
C Section Surgery
Caesarean Surgery
Cervical Cerclage Procedure
Uterus Removal Surgery
Vagina Surgery
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