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Profile of Dr Shubhada Kalvit
Dr Shubhada Kalvit, MBBS, MD is a renowned Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Bilaspur currently practicing at
Kalvit Nursing Home and Test Tube Baby Centre located at Seepat Chowk Bilaspur . Dr Shubhada Kalvit is highly skilled and experienced in treating major and minor gynaecology and obstetrics diseases. Some of the best treatments provided by the doctor are gynaecology and obstetrics diseases treatment, adenomyosis treatment, advanced infertility, breast examination procedure, colposcopy examination test, dilatation and curettage etc.
Services of Dr Shubhada Kalvit
Adenomyosis Treatment
Advanced Infertility
Breast Examination Procedure
Colposcopy Examination Test
Dilatation and Curettage
Eclampsia Treatment
Female Laparoscopic Surgeon
Fertility Treatment
G Spot Amplification Treatment
Gynecological problems Treatment
Lactation Counselling
Maternal Fetal Medicine Service
Meno Pause Advice Service
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