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Profile of Dr Swati Raghuvanshi
Dr Swati Raghuvanshi, BAMS is a renowned Ayurved in Kanpur currently practicing at
Pracheta Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Center located at Kalyanpur, Kanpur . Dr Swati Raghuvanshi is highly skilled and experienced in treating major and minor ayurveda diseases. Some of the best treatments provided by the doctor are ayurveda diseases treatment, ayurvedic kidney stone treatment, epilepsi ayurvedic treatment, fistula ayurvedic treatment, joint disorder ayurvedic treatment, kshar sutra therapy for fistula etc.
Services of Dr Swati Raghuvanshi
Ayurvedic Kidney Stone Treatment
Epilepsi Ayurvedic Treatment
Fistula Ayurvedic Treatment
Joint Disorder Ayurvedic Treatment
Kshar Sutra Therapy For Fistula
Kshar Sutra Therapy For Piles
Leucorrhoea Ayurvedic Treatment
Nasha Mukti Ayurvedic Centre
Shveta Pradar Treatment
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